If you need more concentration, driving and quiet to start your day, check out these 5 motivational apps designed to get you off to a great start in the morning.
Which morning sounds better to you – a calm has passed best colors screen test, peaceful morning where you feel inspired to start your day and work towards your goals, or a frantic morning rush where you dread the thought of getting any work done at all? The pretty clear choice here, right? Fortunately, there are simple ways to create the positive momentum you need to start your day each morning. And all you need is a simple motivational app that you can easily download to your phone.
Change your morning routine with an app for inspiration and motivation. Below are ten motivational apps designed to wake up your morning to success and ensure you're in complete control of your life.
Whether it's revitalizing your go-get-em attitude or injecting calm energy into your morning routine, you're sure to find something to create the perfect atmosphere for your daily success. And once that happens, don't be surprised to find that your whole day goes smoothly as well.
So be careful, choose a motivational app and see how you can create an amazing morning.
Affirmation application
1. Journy - Selfcare App
Rather than starting your day groggy and unmotivated, flip the script with a few affirmations designed to make your mindset a priority for success. Every morning you will receive a new affirmation to guide you forward. So you'll always have something new to focus on to rev up your positivity and good mood gear.
Plus, you can even record your own affirmations if you feel inspired to add personal insight. So don't forget to check out a simple way to motivate yourself in the morning.
2. ThinkUp
If you're looking for affirmations to help improve your day, even Hal Elrod (author of "The Miracle Morning") has his own affirmation added to this motivational app that you can use.
Additionally, ThinkUp has a tracking method to see which affirmations you have listened to. And the idea is to get as many affirmations as possible to fill your head with positivity and completely change your way of thinking. So this up-and-coming spy app has a lot going for it when it comes to not only improving your morning hours but also keeping you motivated throughout the day.
3. Motivate: Daily Motivation
How much more motivated can you start your day than with a motivational speech alone?
With thousands of speeches about success, fitness, productivity and more packed into one easy-to-use app, you can expect your mornings to be MUCH more inspiring than ever before. The daily videos in particular are short, to the point and designed to get you motivated quickly.
Don't wait to start your perfect morning!
It really doesn't get any easier than downloading a motivational app to improve your morning routine. Just pick one of these apps that best suits your needs, add it to your phone, then press a button to use it when you wake up—that's it.
So be sure to click on a few of these apps to learn more about them, because it only takes one to have an amazing morning that can lead to an amazing day, week, month or even year.